Try these new links. Google has changed the way that blogger has worked and has changed the entire interface, so I'm trying to compensate.
Disregard the links at the bottom of the page.
I just had to post the most recent shot of the Cylon. Yeah, I know it still needs work, but I think it's really come a long way!

All new today.....

This is a model that I contracted to have created in Metasequoia, to be produced
as a cardstock model, to take that model and turn it into a resin kit for a resin
model vendor. Unfortunately, we have since parted company, so I'm doing this on
my own. I have to credit Big Skip for the original model and SJS (Steve Bondy) for
correcting that model and making changes. I have textured a version of this and
when this beta build is done and the model is perhaps corrected one last time I'll be releasing this model, for free to the card modeling fans. This is the beginning of a 1:1 full sized Cylon.
Below are a few images of the original model, the new model and the build as well as some of the directions.

Sorry, got so into it that after I set the five layers of primer. I start laying fiberglass, after that I was committed... More to come...
Below are some of the more recent shots of what I've been up to.....
After fiberglassing the interior of the head, I used PlayDoh to build out a basic shape to follow with the polyester resin paddle and started laying out thick layers. Ususally it's best to lay down successive thing layers, but I wanted to use up some stale Bondo, so I took this approach knowing that I could sculpt it to shape later. After laying down the Bondo, I went after it with a rasp, to start sculpting out the shape. I've included a BW screen of the actual model (CG) from the series, to show what I'm going for. The head was always to narrow and some of the compound curves needed to be smoothed and shaped as well.
When not working on the mesh, I'm working on the sculpt, or working on the eye electonics. or the soundboard from a Birthday card. As always, more to come...

New updates, recent work..

I want everyone to see every stage of this sculpt and build...

I will never again have someone call me a recaster, or have some insipid fool lie about everything I've worked on.

Although the images make look rough to those that have never sculpted before... I assure you the the final product will look exactly like a screen used, CG model, if it's the last thing I do. ;)

There are times when even I wonder if I can pull it off, but I remember that I've done it before and I know that with the right determination..... Anything is possible.

Slowly the creature becomes itself....

The orignal model that was never finished..... Tell me that things heven't changed..??

Stay tuned, same Bat Channel, Same Bat Time!
........aaaaannnnnnnndddd We're back......